Internal Competitions

Print competitions are suspended during COVID

PDI competitions

All our competitions are PDI (projected digital image) competitions this season – 6 are open subject and 2 are set subject, making a total of 8 in all.
Members can enter up to 3 PDIs in each competition. Images previously entered into ‘fun’ events (i.e. not assessed and marked by an external judge) can be entered again into these competitions.
Marks are given out of 20 for each image; the member who scores the highest marks across all 8 competitions wins our annual PDI Trophy.

For this year, the winner of the PDI Trophy will also win the Chandler cup

Go to Members’ Area for competition entry guidelines for PDIs

Images entered for set subject competitions must meet the THEME of that set subject. Where judges feel that images don’t meet the theme they’ll offer comments on the technical merit of the image but will award only low marks

The Brian Hodgson Trophy

Members can enter their choice of 3 of the images they’ve previously entered for the season’s competitions, or they can be images taken specifically for this topic and not previously entered into any competition.
This is always a themed competition.

Photograph of the Year

Members can enter their choice of the PDI images which they’ve previously entered into the season’s competitions. They don’t necessarily have to be the most highly marked ones, but the ones the member considers to be his or her best images.

Images in the above competitions are assessed, and marks are awarded, by an accredited SCPF judge

Shoot a Theme

Normally a print competition, but this season it’s a PDI competition. You can enter 3 images which you feel follow a theme or connection. Your 3 images will be shown one after the other, then you’ll be invited to tell us briefly about your theme.

Any of your 3 Shoot a Theme images can also be entered into our PDI competitions.

This EVENT is judged by Club members